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How to Heal All Negative Emotions and Feelings!

How to Heal All Negative Emotions and Feelings!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Do all 6 prayers per one psychological emotion or feeling at a time.

1) Jesus I'm sorry I feel ____ when ____ , heal me, fill me with Your Graces, Virtues, Truth, and Love to replace this feeling, show me Your Truth about this feeling (and why I feel it , aka what belief I have that is making me feel it), thank You Jesus for Your Healing Truth, and Love.

2) Jesus I'm sorry I want to feel ____ when ____ , heal me, fill me with Your Graces, Virtues, Truth, and Love to replace this feeling, show me Your Truth about this feeling (and why I feel it , aka what belief I have that is making me feel it), thank You Jesus for Your Healing Truth, and Love.

3) Jesus I'm sorry I believe the lie that I should feel ___ when ___ , heal me, fill me with Your Graces, Virtues, Truth, and Love to replace this feeling, show me Your Truth about this feeling (and why I feel it , aka what belief I have that is making me feel it), thank You Jesus for Your Healing Truth, and Love.

4) Jesus I'm sorry I want to believe the lie that I should feel ___ when ___ , heal me, fill me with Your Graces, Virtues, Truth, and Love to replace this feeling, show me Your Truth about this feeling (and why I feel it , aka what belief I have that is making me feel it), thank You Jesus for Your Healing Truth, and Love.

5) Jesus I'm sorry I believe the lie that it will benefit me to feel ___ when ___ , heal me, fill me with Your Graces, Virtues, Truth, and Love to replace this feeling, show me Your Truth about this feeling (and why I feel it , aka what belief I have that is making me feel it), thank You Jesus for Your Healing Truth, and Love.

6) Jesus I'm sorry I want to believe the lie that it will benefit me to feel ___ when ___ , heal me, fill me with Your Graces, Virtues, Truth, and Love to replace this feeling, show me Your Truth about this feeling (and why I feel it , aka what belief I have that is making me feel it), thank You Jesus for Your Healing Truth, and Love.

-Write down any and all Truth you receive from Jesus at any time in any way.

-All of your false beliefs, unrealistic expectations, bad wants/desires that are causing your negative psychological emotion or feeling, all need to also be repented of in the same manner as the emotion or feeling.

*If after doing these prayers you never receive any healing or never receive any Truths about how you are making yourself have your psychological emotions and feelings, this is because you either don't want to blame yourself and be sorry, you don't want healing from God, and/or you have cut yourself off from God and need to ask Him to show you all of your grave sins that you need to stop and repent of so He can heal you. (and if you were baptized Catholic go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation)

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