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The Most Culpable

The Most Culpable

Saturday, June 8, 2024

And we wonder why there are so many problems with the humans within the Catholic Church?!

1324 "The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life."134 "The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch.""

Catholics refuse to be with Jesus in DAILY SILENT LISTENING contemplation in Eucharistic Adoration or anywhere, seeking self-awareness of all of their interior intellectual (including emotional) sins in order to repent of them, because for them, compared to everything else, it feels difficult (not easy) and feels boring (not entertaining instant gratification).

Prideful selfish feelings are how we all freely make all of our decisions, including why we freely refuse to want to and fail to work toward recognizing and repenting of all our sinful psychological emotions and feelings (of which we believe the lies: we should have and don't freely choose to make ourselves have) and refuse to blame ourselves for all the ways we are freely causing them by our freely chosen other intellectual errors: irrational thoughts, false beliefs, unrealistic expectations, bad wants/desires, wrong likes and dislikes, and distorted attractions...

Plus we don't want to give up our bad coping idolatry addictions (name it and it can be used as such) in trying to distract ourselves into feeling good or stop feeling bad, without any self blame and repentance of our plethora of intellectual wrong doings.

But we will read and participate in everything having to do with Jesus that we feel / believe is easy, makes us look good, and/or is entertaining and enjoyable...(including while sitting 1 hour a week in Eucharistic Adoration refusing to listen to Him because we're busy reading or only praying a rosary)...watching TV shows about Him, watching movies about Him, listening to lectures and homilies and meditations, going on retreats and field trips in His name, going to Eucharist Congresses, going on vacation pilgrimages with famous authors, reading books written about Him, going to bible studies about Him, reading scripture about Him, reading about the saints lives and work they did, doing corporal works of mercy in order to feel good about ourselves, going to Mass primarily because it's social time (proven by those who socialize before and after Mass in front of Jesus's presence, and those who watch people going to communion, and those who even say hi to people during communion)...

All while we reject doing a real relationship with Jesus Christ the Eucharist while seeking self-awareness and repenting of all of our interior sins, because we are only doing everything we do in order to "entertain ourselves" and/or "attention seek"...

We don't want the Truth about ALL of our sins, including interior, especially emotional sins, nor to repent of ALL of them...

While we choose to believe the lies that we are automatically forgiven of all our sins simply because we do our Catholic obligations, and/or because Jesus is loving, merciful, and died on the cross...

And we think that we, with this level of functioning, gain a plenary indulgence every time a priest or bishop says we get one?!

And we think that we, with this level of functioning, are skipping purgatory through receiving an apostolic pardon while dying?!

Good luck with all of that fantasy!

There are no helpless innocent sinless victims outside the womb...everyone is part of the problem...everyone is responsible!

And we wonder why there are problems with the humans within the Catholic Church?!

Stop the Blaming; Seek Self-awareness and Repent of ALL your interior sins to Start the Healing!

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