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  The Way to Lasting Healing 
Heal the Soul...Heal the Person!
To Be Immoral or Not Immoral

To Be Immoral or Not Immoral

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What are the evils of psychotropic medications?...That is the other question!

[Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay]  Lord Jesus Christ protect this article.

Why do we take psychotropic medications?  What is the purpose of psychotropic medications?

Answer: To try to cope with ("cut the edge off") our bad psychological emotions and feelings.

What is coping, in general?

Coping is trying to manage a bad psychological emotion or feeling or a physical pain or suffering by seeking permanent relief from it, stopping it, or preventing it, and as such seeking to feel good or better instead.

What is bad coping, in general?

Bad coping is trying to manage a bad psychological emotion or feeling or a physical pain or suffering by seeking permanent relief from it, stopping it, or preventing it and as such seeking to feel good or better instead, in any way that is futile or unsuccessful.

What is idolatry?

Idolatry is to make any thing or anyone more important than God at any time in any way for any reason.

Idolatry is therefore also to seek from the material world that which can only come from God...aka SELFISHLY USE anyone, or ABUSE or MISUSE anyone or anything as a means to the end of physical pleasure or psychological happiness, peace, contentment, joy, fulfillment, love / respect, etc.

What is psychological happiness, peace, contentment, joy, fulfillment, love / respect, etc.?

Answer: Truth, Love, Virtues...the absence of shame, unhappiness, anxiousness, paranoid, emotionally depressed, embarrassed, afraid, worried, emotional stress, overwhelmed, anger, lust, loneliness, emptiness, unfulfilled, unloved, disrespected, etc.

What is Truth, Love, Virtues?

Answer: The Trinitarian God; Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. Truth, Love, Virtues are a Who, not a What. Therefore happiness, peace, contentment, joy, fulfillment, love / respect, etc. are The Trinitarian God; Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit.  Thereby making the correct question to be, Who is Truth, Love, Virtues?

If God is perfect Truth, Love, Virtues...created us in His image and likeness...and loves us beyond our understanding,...then Why don't we feel happy, at peace, content, joyful, fulfilled, loved, respected, not alone, unashamed, etc.?

Answer: Because we are intellectually and emotionally sinning and thereby ignoring and rejecting God and His Truth, Love, Virtues in various detailed ways.

What is immorality; sin?

Answer: The Absence of Truth, Love, Virtues...the Absence of The Trinitarian God; Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit.

What is psychological / psychology?

Answer: Knowledge and Study Of the Human intellectual free will Soul...from the Greek and Latin

What is the psyche / psych?

Answer: The Human intellectual free will Soul...from the Greek and Latin

What is the Human intellectual free will Soul?

Answer: The form of the body/brain, animator of the body/brain, primary to the body/brain, and functions without the use of the body/brain....from Doctor of the Catholic Church St. Thomas Aquinas.

The human "intellect" and "free will" are powers of the human "Soul" that are inseparable and cannot function apart from each other. The intellectual free will Soul is the animator of the body/brain, the form of the body/brain, primary to the body/brain, and functions without the use of any corporal organ (aka functions without the use of the brain)...so says Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas.

Everything psychological is intellectually freely chosen consciously, while the person (at least by the age of reason; age 7) usually freely chooses to fail to try to be self-aware and fails to remember choosing so, sometimes willfully. When the person is not thinking and feeling the particular intellectual act, that is when the intellectual act is intellectually "subconscious"...

"Conscious" and "subconscious" are intellectual states of both, freely chosen, and accidentally chosen, intellectual attention and focus, NOT locations in the brain.

What are psychological emotions and feelings, both good ones and bad ones?

Both good and bad psychological emotions and feelings, are the abstract spiritual emotional and abstract spiritual feeling affects of the human intellect and free will's chosen: attractions, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, expectations, beliefs, and thoughts.

Brute animals, which only have a brain, cannot do anything abstract intellectually and emotionally, therefore, none of this above list can ever be caused by the brain, and as such, brute animals do not have an intellectual free will Soul.

What is abstract intellectual activity?

Answer: Freely chosen thinking and feeling about the non-material, ability to recognize, understand, and explain what is Truth, Love, Virtue and what is false, unloving, unvirtuousness, understanding and explaining concepts, having ideas and opinions, creativity for the sake of beauty, self-awareness, the ability to name, define, and explain something, the ability to think about the distant future, etc.

Example: If a human thinks or believes, "I am a monkey." this is an abstract thought and belief (be it false) that can only be chosen by the intellect and free will of the Soul. A monkey never has the ability to think or believe, "I am a human being.", because this is an example of abstract thinking. Therefore, logically, a monkey can also never think or believe or feel in any psychologically dysfunctional way. In the same manner, a monkey cannot think or believe, "I am a monkey.", because that is also an abstract thought and belief (be it true). The inability to think abstractly is why brute animals cannot be self-aware.

What is concrete intellectual activity?

Answer: Thinking and feeling about the most rudimentary basic practical physical sensations, desires, and experiences in order to stay alive and promulgate the species. Everything else is abstract thinking.

How are psychotropic medications designed?

Psychotropic medications are designed after and imitate the cerebral affects of illicit drugs such as cocaine, etc. on the brain. Called "legal" and defined as "socially acceptable" by human beings with power (but no authority to decide what is right and wrong).

How do psychotropic medications work?

Psychotropic medications interfere with the natural healthy brain chemistry affects of the person's freely chosen intellectual psychological choices, in order to distract and hinder the person's intellectual self-awareness of their bad abstract spiritual emotional suffering consequences of the person's freely chosen intellectual abstract: attractions, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, expectations, beliefs, and thoughts, that are the absence of and rejection of Truth, Love, and Virtues, i.e. rejection of God in individual details.

Who is God?

God IS Truth, Love, Virtues. Truth, Love, Virtues only come from God. If we have / do any Truth, Love, Virtues, that means God is working in with and through us.

The absence of Truth, Love, Virtues is the definition of "sin", i.e. "immoral". Everything that is the absence of Truth, Love, Virtues is harmful, bad, wrong, false, irrational, dysfunctional, distorted, evil, etc. Everything that is and is not the absence of Truth, Love, Virtues is freely chosen and therefore morally qualifiable.

What is our fault and responsibility?

Every single intellectual act (includes emotional acts and exterior acts) that is true, good, right, realistic, correct, rational, functional, helpful, etc. that we choose to agree with and want, using our intellect and free will to choose of our Soul, which originate from God (Truth, Love, Virtues).

Every single intellectual act (includes emotional acts and exterior acts) that is false, bad, wrong, unrealistic, distorted, irrational, dysfunctional, harmful, which originate from our intellect and free will to choose of our Soul, of which needs to be repented of (recognized as an error that we freely chose, be sorry for choosing it, and want to not choose it any more) to God (Truth, Love, Virtues) while actively seeking Him (His Truth, Love, Virtues) directly from Him in relationship, to replace it.

"The body feels not but the soul through the body." - St. Augustine of Hippo

Passions become morally qualifiable when they result from the intellect and free will of the Soul, and when we fail to check and regulate them with our intellect and free will of our Soul....

"If by vice we understand a habit of doing evil deeds, it is evident that no passion is a vice. But if vice is taken to mean sin which is a vicious act, nothing hinders a passion from being a vice, or, on the other hand, from concurring in an act of virtue; in so far as a passion is either opposed to reason or in accordance with reason. {For example} some passions are reckoned to be vices, such as envy and anger." - Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas

"whereas the other emotions of the soul, which are not passions, are movements of the intellective appetite or will; but only in the point of the passions being, as they maintained, any emotions in disaccord with reason. These emotions could not be in a wise or virtuous man if they arose deliberately: while it would be possible for them to be in a wise man, if they arose suddenly: because, in the words of Aulus Gellius [Noct. Attic. xix, 1, quoted by Augustine (De Civ. Dei ix, 4), "it is not in our power to call up the visions of the soul, known as its fancies; and when they arise from awesome things, they must needs disturb the mind of a wise man, so that he is slightly startled by fear, or depressed with sorrow," in so far as "these passions forestall the use of reason without his approving of such things or consenting thereto."" - Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas

"Accordingly, if the passions be taken for inordinate emotions, they cannot be in a virtuous man, so that he consent to them deliberately; as the Stoics maintained. But if the passions be taken for any movements of the sensitive appetite, they can be in a virtuous man, in so far as they are subordinate to reason. Hence Aristotle says (Ethic. ii, 3) that "some describe virtue as being a kind of freedom from passion and disturbance; this is incorrect, because the assertion should be qualified": they should have said virtue is freedom from those passions "that are not as they should be as to manner and time."" - Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas

The freely chosen intellectual abstract spiritual emotions and abstract spiritual feelings that are the absence of Truth, Love, Virtues are as follows (but not limited to)...

Depression (despair, distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, hopelessness, false sense of helplessness, self-pity, feeling lonely while having some type of human relationship, self-centered selfishly only focused on what one fails to have, ungrateful, ignoring what is good, refusing to accept reality, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, unrealistically believing and expecting to never be sinned against, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing particular lies about the particular thing one is feeling depressed about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Self-pity (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, false belief that I'm a helpless sinless innocent victim without any help and no solutions, self-centered selfishly only focused on what one fails to have, ungrateful, ignoring what is good, refusing to accept not getting one's way, refusing to accept reality, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, unrealistically believing and expecting to never be sinned against, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing particular lies about the particular thing one is feeling self-pity about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Hopelessness (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, false beliefs that I'm a helpless sinless innocent victim without any help and no solutions for what I wrongly believe is an immediate need, impatient, ungrateful, ignoring what is good, refusing to accept reality, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, unrealistically believing and expecting to never be sinned against, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing particular lies about the particular thing one is feeling hopeless about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

False sense of helplessness (wanting to feel like and believe one is a helpless sinless innocent victim, distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, false beliefs that there are no other solutions and no way I can help myself that I haven't thought of, false belief that no one will help me, unrealistically believing and expecting to never be sinned against, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing particular lies about the particular thing one is feeling helpless about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, pride of thinking oneself right about the exact ways they should be helped without receiving proof of this from God, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, pride)

Shame (basing how we view ourselves and our judgments of what is right or wrong on what humans think and feel about us rather than on what God thinks and feels about us and His moral Truths, rejection of God's Love, feeling rejected, believing others inability to love is a rejection of who I am as a person, rejecting oneself, feeling / believing oneself is unworthy of love/respect, feeling / believing oneself to have no value, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, unrealistically wanting oneself to be perfect / perfectionism, believing particular lies about the particular thing one is feeling shame about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience)

Loneliness / Feel Alone (ignoring and rejecting the presence of God (and His Truth, Love, Virtues in varying detailed ways, while displacing / blaming the feeling on human relationships or the absence of them, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way with others, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feel Empty (feeling the absence of and ones rejection of Truth, Love, Virtues in varying detailed ways, while displacing / blaming the feeling on lack of successful work, human relationships or the absence of them, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feel Unloved (ignoring and rejecting the presence of God (and His Truth, Love, Virtues) in varying detailed ways, while displacing / blaming the feeling on humans or the absence of them, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way with others, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feel Disrespected (ignoring and rejecting the presence of God (and His Truth, Love, Virtues) in varying detailed ways, while displacing / blaming the feeling on other humans, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way with others, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feel Unworthy / Feel Not Valuable (false beliefs about how one's value and worth is caused or taken away by one's acceptance or rejection of self and/or by acceptance or rejection from other human beings, one's relationships, one's physical appearance and capabilities, one's vocational, financial, educational, psychological/spiritual, and social status, and one's material possessions or lack there of...rather than one's value and worth being solely based on being created in the image and likeness of God and loved by Him beyond our imagination, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, pride, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feel Insecure (acting like you are the center of everyone's universe, thinking that everyone's actions and inaction are about harming or rejecting you rather than about them simply trying to meet their own needs, pride of thinking one right without proper discernment with God, self-centered of making everything personally about you, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, selfishness of only focused on caring about oneself being liked, loved, and accepted, fear of rejection, fear of feeling unloved, fear of being disrespected, fear of being alone, etc, all while failing to be loving/respectful to others, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling, self-pity, self-dislike / self-rejection)

Emotionally Hurt / Hurt Feelings (selfishly using humans for love and respect while hypocritically expecting them to be perfectly loving and respectful, selfishly believing and expecting you should always get what you want from others, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feeling Offended (hypocritically expecting others to be perfect and selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way or the way you think things should be, pride, self-righteousness, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Paranoid (highest degree of anxiety, fear and worry, distrust in God, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, believing lies about the particular thing one is afraid of while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Phobia (exaggerated degree of anxiety, fear, and worry of/about a particular object or situation, distrust in God, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, believing lies about the particular thing one is afraid of while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feel traumatized (anxiety, fear, worry, dwelling on and obsessively thinking about the past (recent or distant), refusing to accept the reality of what happened, distrust in God, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to control and change the past, unrealistically believing and expecting to never be sinned against, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing particular lies about the particular thing one is traumatized about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failure to forgive, failure to be merciful, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, failure to offer-up the unpleasant situation for reparation of one's own faults and the faults of others, wanting to feel like and believe one is a helpless sinless innocent victim, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Anxiety / Anxious (high degree of fear and worry...absence of love, thereby absence of Truth, caused by lies we believe and pridefully think we are right..."There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love." 1 John 4:18...distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing lies about the particular thing one is afraid of while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Panic / Panicky (anxiety, fear, worry, distrust in God, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, believing we should get our way, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing lies about the particular thing one is panicking about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, believing a want is a need, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Post Traumatic Stress (anxiety, fear, worry, dwelling on and obsessively thinking about the past (recent or distant), refusing to accept the reality of what happened, projecting the past onto the present and future, distrust in God, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to control and change the past, unrealistically believing and expecting to never be sinned against, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing particular lies about the particular thing one is afraid of while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failure to forgive, failure to be merciful, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, failure to offer-up the unpleasant situation for reparation of one's own faults and the faults of others, wanting to feel like a helpless sinless innocent victim, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feel Stressed (anxiety, fear, worry, distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, believing we should get our way, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing lies about the particular thing one is stressed about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Overwhelmed (anxiety, fear, worry, distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, believing we should get our way, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing lies about the particular thing one is overwhelmed about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, selfishly believing and expecting everything has to always go your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Worried (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing lies about the particular thing one is worried about while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, believing a want is a need, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals)

Afraid / Fear (absence of love, thereby absence of Truth, caused by lies we believe and pridefully think we are right..."There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love." 1 John 4:18...distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing lies about the particular thing one is afraid of while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Embarrassed (unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, fear of being imperfect, fear of rejection, distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues)

Scared (absence of love, thereby absence of Truth, caused by lies we believe and pridefully think we are right..."There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love." 1 John 4:18...distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, being controlling, unrealistically wanting to know and control the future, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, fear of temporary suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, believing lies about the particular thing one is scared of while pridefully thinking one is right about everything, believing a want is a need, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Shy (fear of rejection and pridefully thinking we are right that we will be rejected, lack of proper boundaries, selfish, unrealistically wanting perfection / perfectionism, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, distrust God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience)

Jealous (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, fear of loss of love, fear of rejection, possessiveness, selfish using, refusal to accept the reality of not having the good that another has, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Envious (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, fear of loss of love, fear of rejection, possessiveness, selfish using, refusal to accept the reality of not having the good that another has while not wanting others to have what is good, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues)

Lust ("love at first sight") (emotional or physical "attraction") (selfishness, selfish using, desire to use someone as a means to an emotional and/or physical end, or treating someone as an object or opportunity for instant gratification, pride, selfish using people as an object for self-gratification and using relationships as a means to a selfish end, believing a plethora of lies about love, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, failure to treat another with love and respect, idolatry of humans)

Manic / Mania (highest degree of irresponsibility and instant gratification seeking, imprudence, gluttony, over indulgence, greed, selfishness, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride of thinking one is right about everything, pride, idolatry of material pleasures)

Greedy (idolatry of material pleasures, prideful, selfish, lustful, not sharing, not generous, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues)

Impatient (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, unacceptance of reality, unacceptance of not getting ones way, selfishness, unrealistically wanting and expecting things to be perfect / perfectionism, fear of suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, pride of thinking one is always right about what they want and need, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, controlling, wanting to control what we cannot, not caring about being loving to others, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Unaccepting of Reality / Truth (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, rejecting reality, failure to forgive, unmerciful, fear of suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, controlling, wanting to control what we cannot and should not, pride, selfish, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, unrealistically wanting and expecting things to be perfect / perfectionism, pride of thinking one is always right about what they want and need)

Vengeful (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful, wanting to harm another to selfishly try to make yourself feel better, blaming feelings, unacceptance of temporary suffering, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Angry (distrust in God, failing to seek the good God brings out of all unpleasant situations, failing to see and use the unpleasant situation as a learning experience, blaming feelings, fear of suffering, refusal to accept temporary suffering, pride of thinking one is right about what should and should not be happening and why, perfectionism, unacceptance of reality, controlling, wanting to control what we cannot and should not, not caring about being loving to whom we are angry with, playing the savior to feel valuable and/or playing the false innocent victim, selfishly believing and expecting to always get your way, pride, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

(anger is degrees of: annoyed, put-out, bugged, irritated, frustrated, pissed-off, mad, furious, enraged, infuriated, rage, etc.) (NONE of these are "righteous indignation/anger" or "Zeal")

Hatred of a good or truth (while pridefully thinking one is right, selfish, fear of temporary suffering, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues)

Happiness over an evil or lie (while pridefully thinking one is right, selfish, fear of temporary suffering, hatred of a good or truth, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues)

Proud of an evil (while pridefully thinking one is right, selfish, fear of temporary suffering, hatred of a good or truth, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues)

Proud of a good being credited to yourself or anyone other than God (while pridefully thinking one is right, vain, insecure, self-centered, perfectionism, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues)

Attraction to the same gender (extreme lust, pride, selfish, self-hatred, desire to use someone as a means to an emotional and/or physical end, or treating someone as an object, selfish using people as an object for self-gratification and using relationships as a means to a selfish end, believing a plethora of lies about love, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

Feeling like the opposite gender of your biology or feeling like a particular animal (pride, self-hatred, distrust in God, rejections of Truth, Love, Virtues, blaming one's psychological emotions and feelings on externals, failure to blame one's intellect and free will for the feeling)

The Bottom Line

Every detailed absence of Truth, Love, Virtues in, with, and through our intellect and free will to choose of our Soul is the definition of sin, and therefore is a sin...this includes our psychological emotions, feelings, and attractions, all of which are abstract concepts that result from our freely chosen intellectual thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, likes, and dislikes.

We cannot be healed of or forgiven of any sin we're doing intellectually, emotionally, and/or physically that we fail to actively directly honestly specifically be sorry for and repent of.

We can't repent of what we are not self-aware of.  To fail to try to be self-aware is a sin.  To not want to be self-aware is a mortal sin.  To not want the Truth about our sins is a mortal sin.

We can't become self-aware of all of our intellectual emotional sins when our brain is distracting our intellect of our soul through psychotropic medications, narcotics, alcohol, illicit drugs, nicotine, entertainment media, etc...This distraction is possible because "the lessor (brain) can hinder the greater (intellect of the soul)" - Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas

Failing to repent of a sin (intellectual, emotional, or physical) means we keep intellectually freely choosing to do the sin!

Failing to be self-aware of a sin means we keep freely choosing to do the intellectual, emotional, and physical sin!

Failing to be self-aware of a sin, means we believe we are doing nothing wrong!

Failing to believe that we are doing something wrong, means we fail to be sorry for and repent of the sin!

Failing to be sorry and repent of the sin, means we believe we don't need to be forgiven!

Failing to believe we need to be forgiven, means we are rejecting being forgiven by God for the sin!

Failing to want to be forgiven by God for the sin, means we cannot be given His Truth, Love, Virtues to replace the sin!

Failing to want God's Truth, Love, Virtues to replace the sin, means we cannot be healed of the sin!

Failing to be healed of a sin, means that we keep emotionally and physically suffering our natural consequences from the sin more and more!

Failing to work to stop doing venial sins ("small sins") leads us to choosing mortal sins ("big sins")!

Failing to stop doing mortal sin means we are cut off from Truth, Love, Virtues!

The highest degree of Absence of Truth, Love, and Virtues IS ALL psychological disorders and addictions!

All psychological disorders and addictions of which are comprised of psychological (abstract) thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, emotions, feelings, and attractions, is all morally qualifiable!

"Holy Spirit, daily show me all of my sins, including all of the lies I believe, and show me how to recognize, all sin, thank You."

Begin by repenting all day every day each and everyone of your bad psychological emotions and feelings and asking for God's Truth, Love, Virtues to replace them.

"Jesus I'm sorry I feel ____, heal me, fill me with Your Graces, Virtues, Love, and Truth, show me Your Truth, show me the lies I believe and bad wants/desires I have that are causing myself to feel this, thank you Jesus for Your Healing, Truth, and Love."

Stop the Blaming and Be Sorry...To Start the Healing!

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