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  The Way to Lasting Healing 
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We'd Rather Suffer to Think We are Right!

We'd Rather Suffer to Think We are Right!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Our chosen pride is causing our psychological suffering disorder...and preventing us from receiving Lasting Healing for it.

If we don’t daily actively go in repentance directly to Christ Jesus for Psychological Healing; Truth/Love/Virtues it is because we don’t want to. But the question is, Why?

How self-aware are we?

Have we, who are a good person, been taught by someone within our lives to either: hate, fear, distrust, or "do not need" Christ Jesus and/or that He is not concretely real in our presence, while thinking that we are right with NO objective exterior facts to prove it?

Have we chosen to believe the lie we have been taught, that what is psychological is not completely healable?

Would we rather suffer and think we are right, than try something that we think won't work, with no facts to prove it, even if trying it will harm nothing in objectively reality?  

Are we so prideful, stubborn, ignorant, and foolish that we refuse to go to Jesus Christ to seek the Truth about Him?  Do we have little to no humility to want, seek, recognize, and accept the Truth about God, ourselves, and others?

When we as Christians don't go to Christ Jesus for everything, one big reason is because we wrongly think finding out how we are wrong will cause us more emotional suffering than any suffering we are presently experiencing. This means we WANT to have our unpleasant, harmful, bad emotions and feelings, psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions, distorted attractions or gender confusion....

But you say, “No I don’t!”...


So, you think that your feelings and thoughts are incorrect?
Of course you don’t, you think your feelings and thoughts are always correct to have; even when feeling bad.

You think that your feelings and thoughts are unrealistic?             
Of course you don’t, you think that your feelings and thoughts are always realistic.

You believe that your feelings and thoughts are unjustified?
Of course you don’t, you have all kinds of justifications, rationalizations, and excuses for why you think you should have your feelings and why what you think and believe is "true".

You believe that you "should" be having these bad emotions and feelings and irrational thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and wants/desires, which you think are rational.

We erroneously believe that we are "right" and "justified" to have all of our feelings and thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, etc.; we believe that our perspectives and attitudes are always and completely correct.

And worse, we believe that other persons or situations are the "cause" of our emotions and feelings...we are blamers!

So obviously we WANT to have our unpleasant, harmful, bad feelings and irrational thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, etc.…and we WANT to blame everyone and everything else (including our brain cells), but ourselves (our free will and intellect of our soul) for them…And we want to think we are right about all of it!

These are reasons why we don’t want to correctly go in repentance to Christ Jesus for Healing, combined with the fact that we either: hate, fear, distrust, or think we "don't need" God / Christ Jesus and/or that He is not concretely really present with us...Even regardless of how Christian we think we are or pretend to be. Therefore, we don’t want Psychological Healing; Truth/Love/Virtues directly from Christ Jesus.

As a result, we don’t want to change our wrong emotions and feelings or thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, etc., Nor do we want to know if we are right or wrong. Nor do we want to be sorry for causing our own harmful emotions and feelings, thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, etc. We don't want to know whether we are right or wrong about what is really good or bad for us, because we'd rather suffer and think we are right.

This means we want to keep sinning (choosing the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues) because we believe the lie that "whatever IT is", is a good for us and is meeting our needs. We don't want to know how we are making assumptions and false correlations.

In objective reality "the sin" (absence of Truth/Love/Virtues) is both the cause of our harmful emotional suffering and/or the sin IS our harmful emotional suffering and irrational thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, etc.

Then there are those of us who think that we know who Jesus Christ is and what His Will is just because we go to church, without spending daily quality silent alone time with Him directly asking Him questions and waiting and actively listening for His answers and doing proper discernment waiting for external confirmations that we don't control.


We don’t believe the Truth that Jesus Christ will heal us of our harmful emotional suffering, psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions, distorted attractions and gender confusion.

We don't believe the Truth that we are: failing to cooperate with Jesus Christ, blocking Him, and freely rejecting His Psychological Healing; Truth/Love/Virtues in a plethora of ways...and we don't ask Him to show us how.

We believe the lie that Jesus Christ doesn’t want to psychologically heal us of our harmful emotional suffering, psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions, distorted attractions and gender confusion...without even checking with Him!

Because we don’t want to learn how to recognize what is a sin and what we have to do in order to cooperate with Jesus Christ to be healed of them. We refuse to believe that our harmful emotions, psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions, distorted attractions and gender confusion are sins.

And we believe the lie that our harmful emotions / sins / psychological struggles and disorders, including additions, distorted attractions and gender confusion are our "cross".

We believe the lie that "to carry our cross" means to have unloving+irrational emotional suffering, unloving+irrational psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions, distorted attractions and gender confusion.

Wrong. Sinfully Wrong.

We want to believe these lies because that means we can still think we are right, we can still selfishly use others thinking it's love, and we still don't have to change anything about ourselves.  How unlovingly convenient.

If you really want to "carry your cross"...

Seeking self-awareness daily of ALL of our sins (emotions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, attractions, words, deeds, and what we fail to do) directly from Christ Jesus is our "cross".

Learning how to recognize and then fully repenting of every detail of all of our sins is our "cross".

Saying "no" to our sins is our "cross".

Working on cooperating with Jesus the Christ to stop our sins / harmful emotional suffering / psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions/idolatries/bad coping IS our "cross".

Struggling in doing what is necessary to learn and practice how to become a loving person is our "cross".

Stopping our idolatry of using the material world to try to feel better and instead go directly to Christ Jesus daily for Truth/Love/Virtues is our "cross".

Stopping thinking we are right about everything and seek all Truth directly from Jesus Christ is our "cross".

Stopping selfishly using others is our "cross".


The majority of us Christians fail to carry, much less drag our "crosses" and that is why we are never healed of our harmful emotional suffering, psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions, distorted attractions and gender confusion whether we are the one sitting in the church pews or preaching from the pulpit.

And believing the lie that all our sins, including harmful emotional suffering, psychological struggles and disorders, addictions, distorted attractions, and gender confusion are our "Cross from Christ", is another reason why we refuse to go to Jesus Christ in repentance of them and asking for Lasting Healing; Truth/Love/Virtues to replace them.

In addition, we, who think we are so Christian, don’t know who Christ Jesus really is and we never feel His Presence or His Love for us because we are choosing to be lazy, materialistic, and have bad priorities; we don’t want to do that which is necessary in having a real relationship with Him in order to know Him and feel His Presence and Love. 

Because we think that we are doing "fine" and "good enough" without spending quality silent alone time with Jesus Christ daily.  If we are doing "fine" and "good enough" then why do we still have our harmful emotional suffering and still think we need our material bad coping?  Are we blaming externals for our free will emotional choices and failing to repent of them every single time?  Yes!

Do we believe the lie that we don't need to spend every single day directly seeking from Jesus Christ self-awareness of all of our sins? Do we believe the lie that we don't need to immediately repent to Jesus Christ of each sin as we become self-aware of it? 

Do we believe the lie that our sins are NOT causing our harmful emotional suffering, psychological struggles and disorders, addictions, distorted attractions, or gender confusion? Do we believe the lie that our harmful emotional suffering, psychological struggles and disorders, addictions, distorted attractions, or gender confusion are NOT sins in themselves (aka the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues)?

Do we believe the lie that we don’t need Jesus Christ in an objective real close friendship every moment of the day? Do we believe the lie that we don't need to seek Truth/Love/Virtues directly from Him every moment of the day?

Do we believe the lie that we only need other human beings to think that we are a "good Christian" or "a loving person" and for others to "treat us with respect/love" in order to be happy and feel loved?...because we are constantly blaming our sinful (absence of Truth/Love/Virtues) emotional suffering on others?

Do we only want to appear and have the image of a follower of Christ by putting on a good appearance at church and with our friends? Do we even want to imitate the saints or become one?...Or do we only want to read about and watch them, idolize them, and think that they are so great?!?  What for?  Entertainment?!?  Do we think reading about a saint makes us holy?  Do we think watching a saint movie makes us holy?  Do we think talking about a saint makes us holy?  Do we think just being associated with a holy person makes us one? 

Do we want everyone else to be perfectly loving, while we fail to be loving, but think we are more loving than them?

Are we hypocritical and fake and have little to do with Jesus Christ directly and in reality, and everything to do with trying to selfishly use other human beings and material entertainment and substances in order to try to make ourselves feel good in the wrong ways?

How self-aware are we?!

We will continue to cause ourselves sinful (absence of Truth/Love/Virtues) emotional suffering, psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions, distorted attractions and gender confusion, which are being unloving toward ourselves and others, until we decide that we have suffered enough or receive enough external loses to want to go to God in repentance for Healing...and unfortunately, too many of us never reach this point until we are losing our material life on earth.

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