Putting the Soul
back in Psychology!

Notice how a psychological problem and sin...when correctly defined are one and the same.
What is Psychology?
From the Greek and the Latin, Psychology is the study of the soul, only...NOT the study of the brain, brain chemistry, or genetics.
What is Psychiatry?
From the Greek and the Latin, if Psychology is the study of the soul, only, that makes Psychiatry the healing and study of the soul, only...NOT the healing and study of the brain, brain chemistry, or genetics.
What is the Soul?
In human beings only, our soul is [for the most part] our immaterial (aka spiritual) intellect (mind) and free will to choose. Our immaterial soul is our personhood. Our immaterial soul is immortal and will separate from our body/brain when we physically die.
What does the Soul do?
Our soul is our personhood. Our soul is immaterial and is the form of our body and animates our body. Our spiritual immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose is how we both rationally (true, right, good, love, virtues, functional) and irrationally (false, bad, wrong, unloving, unvirtuous, dysfunctional): think, believe, expect, want/desire, like, dislike, are attracted to...all of which cause our psychological emotions and feelings. These actions of our intellect and free will are called the "conscience" and our ability to "reason". This list of our interior actions are all our "reasons" for why we choose our external actions.
What is Human Behavior?
Human Behavior is any psychological intellectual interior act or physically exterior act; aka action, that a human being can choose that is either: false, bad, wrong, unloving, irrational, dysfunctional, or true, good, right, loving, rational, functional. Interior intellectual acts are: thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, attractions and the resulting emotions and feelings caused by this list, of which all "dead men" can also do.
What is a psychological problem?
A psychological problem is the absence of what is objectively: True, Good, Right, Loving (including Virtuous), Rational, Functional regarding how we relate to: oneself, another, situations, concepts, or objects (includes substances, weather, and brute animals). A psychological problem is what is interiorly intellectually and exteriorly physically objectively: false, bad, wrong, unloving (including unvirtuous), irrational, dysfunctional regarding how we relate to: oneself, another, situations, concepts, objects (includes substances, weather, and brute animals, etc.). A psychological problem is what is Not of God; Truth+Love+Virtues.
What is sin?
Sin is the absence of what is objectively: True, Good, Right, Loving (including Virtuous), Rational Functional regarding how we relate to: oneself, another, situations, concepts, or objects (includes substances, weather, and brute animals). A sin is what is interiorly intellectually and exteriorly physically objectively: false, bad, wrong, unloving (including unvirtuous), irrational, dysfunctional regarding how we relate to: oneself, another, situations, concepts, objects (includes substances, weather, and brute animals, etc.). A sin is what is Not of God; Truth+Love+Virtues.
[Notice how a psychological problem and sin are the same thing.]
Are Psychological Disorders (erroneously named "mental illness"), including addictions, gender confusion, and attraction confusion; are they Truth+Love+Virtues or falsehoods-unloving-unvirtuous? Are the external behaviors of Psychological Disorders, including addictions, gender confusion, and attraction confusion, are they Truth+Love+Virtues or falsehoods-unloving-unvirtuous?
Psychological disorder labels, are nothing more than a particular name (often incorrectly labeled) for what is a group of objectively: false, bad, wrong, unloving, unvirtuous, and irrational interior intellectual acts of: attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desires, expectations, beliefs, thoughts, emotions and feelings, which can be and frequently are expressed in exterior physical acts of: false, bad, wrong, unloving, unvirtuous and irrational: expressions, words, deeds, and what we fail to express, say, and do.
All psychological disorders, addictions, gender and attraction confusion, and bad emotions are abstract concepts that are our free will to choose and are the absence of Truth+Love+Virtues, which is what a sin is. All psychological disorders, addictions, attraction and gender confusion, and bad emotions being caused by our free will to choose the absence of Truth+Love+Virtues, means we are choosing to reject Truth+Love+Virtues.
Therefore, the only way to stop suffering from choosing to reject Truth+Love+Virtues is to STOP CHOOSING to reject Truth+Love+Virtues and START CHOOSING to WANT, SEEK, ACCEPT, AND PUT INTO PRACTICE; i.e. LIVE ALL Truth+Love+Virtues. How to properly do so is explained in "10 Steps to Lasting Healing and Sanctity".
When particular types and degrees of rejection of Truth+Love+Virtues is repeatedly chosen by the individual, that is what is labeled by modern psychology and psychiatry as a psychological disorder, including but not limited to addictions, gender and attraction confusion, or bad emotion, as the case may be.
These choices to reject Truth+Love+Virtues by an individual can lead to what is labeled as "psychological hallucinations" by modern psychology and psychiatry. "Psychological hallucinations" are a type and degree of demonic (evil spirit) attack called "extreme obsession" or "mild possession", which is NOT "formal possession".
Persons suffer from "psychological hallucinations" for at least one of two reasons: either when the degree and manner of rejection of Truth+Love+Virtues by the individual has opened themselves up to this type and degree of demonic (evil spirit) attack, and/or the individual is simply unknowingly cooperating with and obeying the direct commands of a demon (evil spirit) through some erroneous intentions, material medium interaction, and/or failure to do proper discernment of spirits.