Putting the Soul            
             back in Psychology!

  The Way to Lasting Healing 
Heal the Soul...Heal the Person!

Theology Of the Soul Psychology Institute's Mission Statement

Psychology originally and correctly understood, is "the Study of the Human Intellectual Soul".  Without consideration of the immaterial Soul - that which is our human intellect and free will - modern psychology and psychiatry negate the most essential element of the Person, and as a result draw erroneous conclusions and teach heresy throughout all aspects of Modern Psychology and Psychiatry: research, education, and treatment.  The Mission of Theology Of the Soul Psychology Institute (TOS), is to educate humanity on True Psychology©, and by extension Psychiatry, in order to bring the freedom of Lasting Healing Psychology© through the LHP Method© to all Souls throughout the world.
Teaches True Psychology©, & Lasting Healing Psychology© for all Psychological: Struggles, Disorders, Addictions (vices), Gender and Attraction Confusion, & Harmful Emotions and Trauma
Exposes the
lies & falsehoods
of Modern
Psychology & Psychiatry
Completely teaches how to correctly meet all needs that all human beings have to feel: Loved, at Peace, Content, Fulfilled, and
free from harmful emotional suffering

The Solution is called, Lasting Healing Psychology©

LHP Method©
works for any:
gender, age, race, culture, education level, social economic status,
psychological struggle, harmful emotion, psychological disorder, addiction (vice),
form of attraction and gender confussion, or emotional trauma

What is the LHP Method?
"The LHP Method is the objective Truth of Lasting Healing Psychology© in how to correctly choose to receive Truth/Love/Virtues from The Divine; Truth/Love/Virtues Himself, in order to replace each and every one of the hundreds of thousands of detailed interior intellectual ways that one has freely chosen the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues daily throughout our lives, all of which are the causes of all of our: harmful emotions and trauma, psychological suffering, struggles and disorders, addictions, and attraction and gender confusion."

"Lasting Healing Psychology©, is the objectively True Psychology© explanations of what actual psychological disorders are, their true causes, and the proper treatment to achieve permanent healing of them through the LHP Method: 10 Steps to Lasting Healing©. I have developed Lasting Healing Psychology© over 20 years of investigation, experience, and preparation."

"To be free from harmful emotional suffering and meet our emotional needs, we have
to want objective Truth, Love, and Virtues, which means we have to want to learn and correctly
search for all the ways we are in error throughout our interior intellectual acts of:
Perspectives, Attitudes, Priorities, Judgments, Wants & Desires...
and then properly work to change each detail of them to Truth/Love/Virtues."

~ L K Miller, Founder, Theology Of the Soul: Psychology Institute

True Psychology© & Lasting Healing Psychology©
                                  utilized correctly will also lead to...

Fixing the
"Broken Mental Health System"

by replacing costly and ineffective hospitalizations and psychotropic medications with the best way to work toward lasting healing that one can accomplish anywhere

Stopping "Mental Illness" based Mass Killings and Suicides

by exposing the real causes of psychological disorders, and teaching real prevention and the way to lasting healing of psych hallucinations and violent desires

Ending PTSD and Preventing Suicides for Soldiers, Veterans, and all Traumatized

by working to achieve the lasting healing of memories and their pain and suffering; in order to recognize the good that results from all that happens; to obtain real hope and live fully in the present

Completely Rehabilitating Chemical Addiction Sufferers and Inmates

by correctly working to obtain and maintain lasting peace, contentment, and fulfillment internally, and replace "bad coping" with God-Coping, in order to fill the emptiness inside through a purpose and a focus greater than ourselves

Converting the cultures of death to the Culture of Life

by replacing selfishness and fear in oneself, with Love and Truth obtained from their only original source

Becoming the most Loving Person one can Be

by working to become completely self-aware and learning how to cooperate fully to receive lasting healing for any and all personal sins both interior and exterior

Helping Prevent Diabetes and Establishing Weight Control

by working toward the lasting healing of one's cravings and bad eating desires, while increasing internal self-control over one's level of motivation

Bringing about Interacial and World Peace

by recognizing real equality and similarity in our imperfections and how to contribute to the well being of all humanity simply through one's daily choices and how we handle our own feelings

Putting an End to the origin of Bullying and All Types of Relational Abuse & Neglect (w/ children, spouses, elders, etc.)

by ending the generational cycle of abuse through working on the lasting healing of: memories of childhood wounds, emotional pain and suffering, and disordered attachment styles, while correctly meeting one's needs for love, peace, and fulfillment

Improving: Communication, Attitudes, & Cooperation in the Home and Workplace

by working to develop self-awareness, discernment, and prudence, knowing our God-Worth, and working to eliminate the "Insecurity Mechanisms" of manipulation such as: defensiveness, feelings' blaming, scapegoating, rationalizing, playing dumb (aka "gas lighting"), selective memory, controlling, projecting, lying, selfish using, enabling, people please and feelings fixing, perfectionism, and drama triangle

Moral Formation Supplemental Education Guide

through the proper development of the interior spiritual life in order to recognize sin, have true repentance, and achieve lasting healing of all sins, for religious education in: parishes, schools, seminaries, and marriage preparation classes

Lasting Healing for all Lustful Addictions

by replacing these "bad coping idolatries" with a close real relationship with God, and learning to accept temporary displeasures and discomforts, while healing the sins of pride, selfishness, lust, and fear

Prevail over Relationship Separations (of all kinds, for any reason)

by healing: the disordered attachment style, including childhood wounds, poor communication skills, and poor boundaries, while also meeting one's emotional needs correctly and focusing on a purpose greater than oneself

Complimentary Aid to "Exit Counseling"

by developing self-awareness and proper discernment skills, while connecting with objective Truth, aids in the willing deprogramming of those negatively affected by: domestic violence, a narcissistic relationship, the occult, a government agency, or media "brain washing"
If you are passionate about supporting any one of these important causes,
click on the gold "Support" button below for further information
on more ways you can help make your and our mission a reality.
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