Putting the Soul
back in Psychology!
The Way to Lasting Healing
Heal the Soul...Heal the Person!
Talks, Workshops, Lenten Missions, Webinars, Courses, & Retreats...
on True Psychology© and Lasting Healing Psychology©, LHP Method: 10 Steps to Lasting Healing©
Are you a bishop, priest, pastor, or program director for a parish, seminary, or dioceses?
Are you a college, seminary, or university professor, dean, or department director?
Are you the owner, president, director, or manager, of a company, board, or organization?
Are you the parent, teacher, or event organizer, of a family, school, or group?
To request, host, or sponsor a TOS Workshop, Talk, Lenten Mission, Course, or Retreat anywhere in the world,
in English or Spanish, either virtually online or in person on location,
or to invite L K Miller to speak on True Psychology© and/or Lasting Healing Psychology© at your event,
or to invite L K Miller to speak on True Psychology© and/or Lasting Healing Psychology© at your event,
or for any questions
reach out to us through our Contact Us page.
For TOS and L K Miller events,
the hosting or sponsoring individual or group ordinarily offers either a stipend, donation, and/or takes up a collection,
along with covering or providing for the speaker's transportation, and food & logging for the event if on location,
and for in person private events only: any participants' education materials requested (e.g. info. manual, pen, etc).
Calendar Of Events
Scheduled events are marked on the date by a Red Dot. All other dates are available for scheduling.
Check back for information about our next event or ask us to schedule one for your area!
Carlos and the Banana Bread
The causes of psychological emotions & feelings

What is True Psychology?
True Psychology©
- 1. Definition of Insanity
2. The Power is Not from Inside Us
3. Being a "Medical Science" vs. Truth
4. The Safety & Feelings First Mentalities
5. Research, Statistics, & Theory
6. Twin Studies
7. Comparing Animals to Persons
8. What a Psychological Disorder is NOT
9. Brief History: Origin of "It's the Brain"
1. The Correct Definitions
2. What is the Soul?
3. Conscience & Subconscious
4. We are a Body+Soul single entity
5. The Lesser can Hinder the Greater
6. The Chemical Imbalance
7. Emotions of Animals & Persons
8. "Sticks & Stones...!"
9. What a Psychological Disorder IS

What is Lasting Healing Psychology?
LHP Method: 10 Steps to Lasting Healing©
1. Develop & Improve Union with The Divine (Truth+Love+Virtues)
2. Humility vs. Insecurity (Seek Truth & Love Self)
3. Truth about Emotions, Suffering, & How to Heal
4. Self-Awareness ("Examination of Conscience")
5. Repentance & Remorse (I'm Wrong, I'm Sorry, I Want to Change)
6. Contemplative Prayer (How to Listen to & Hear The Divine)
7. Discernment ("Discernment of Spirits")
8. Protection from Evil Spirits & Stop "Bad Coping"
9. Forgiveness (Of Self & Others)
10. Healing of Memories & Trauma (Live in the Present)